Space Maintenance
Tooth decay, trauma from a fall, or other accidental injury are common causes of early tooth loss in children. A space maintaining appliance can prevent a serious malocclusion in the permanent dentition, and help maintain normal speech, function, and esthetics. For adults, proper space management is important during active orthodontic and restorative treatment.
Type SM110 - Ideal Lingual Arch
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire contacting lingual teeth of anterior
- Teeth to be banded
Type SM120 - Ideal Lingual Arch with Omega Loops
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire contacting lingual teeth of anterior
- Adjustment loops
- Teeth to be banded
Type SM130 - Step Down Lingual Arch
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire contacting lingual teeth of anterior
- Wire stepped down in the posterior
- Teeth to be banded

Type SM140 - Step Down Lingual Arch with Adjustment Loops
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire contacting lingual teeth of anterior
- Wire stepped down in the posterior with adjustment loops added
- Teeth to be banded
Type SM210 - Transpalatal Arch
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire 1mm-2mm off of the palate
- Adjustment loop at the center of the palate
Type SM220 - Nance Holding Arch
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire bent to the anterior part of the palate
- Acrylic button placed against the palate
Type SM230 - Transpalatal Nance
- Bands on first molars
- .036 wire 1mm-2mm off of the palate
- .036 wire bent to the anterior part of the palate from the Transpalatal arch
- Acrylic button placed against the palate
Type SM310 - Band and Loop Space Maintainer
- Band one tooth
- Space maintaining loop bent to apposing tooth to hold space

Type SM320 - Distal Shoe
- Band one tooth
- Distal Shoe subgingival to apposing unerupted tooth

Type SM330 - Space Regainer
- Band one tooth
- Add tubes buccal and lingual
- Space maintaining loop bent to apposing tooth to hold space
- Spring added to space maintainer

Type SM340 - Halterman Appliance
- Band Desired Tooth
- Bend wire to distal of impacted tooth