Bite Plates
In general, bite plates are used at the beginning of treatment to help correct a “deep bite” or open bite. Bite Plates use an acrylic plane on either the anterior or posterior teeth to help reposition the jaw or prevent bruxism. Excel Orthodontics offers both removable Bite Plates, or Fixed Bite Plates.

Type BP105 - Anterior Bite Plate with two clasps
- Acrylic Plate
- Anterior Bite Plate
- Two clasps of your choice
Type BP110 - Anterior Bite Plate with four clasps
- Acrylic plate
- Anteriror bite plate
- 4 clasps of your choice
Type BP130 - Fixed Anterior Bite Plate
- Bands on first molars
- Lingual arch wire
- Anterior bite plate

Type BP155 - Posterior Bite Plate with two clasps
- Acrylic Plate
- Posterior Bite Plate
- Two clasps of your choice